New version 3.5.8d available

Important Notes
  • If you're using anti virus software, EZAB might be deleted or quarantined, because of false positive flags!
    Please check out the guide on NexusMods for how to whitelist the files in Windows defender.
  • If you like my work on EZAB and want to support me, you can do it through "Menubar > Donate > Via Paypal or Patreon", and i would appreciate if you endorse on NexusMods.
  • Join my discord if you need help (Menubar > Help > Join Discord) keep the german time zone in mind. I'll answer for sure when I'm not busy (Akuma).
  • Versions older than 3.5.8 are not supported anymore! Please download EZAB 3.5.8+ at NexusMods.
  • You may also whitelist my webserver to be able to update.
Changelog 3.5.8d
  • Fixed a bug, here the auto save file count didn't changed, because all auto backup files are now named as "Autobackup.." instead of the "save file name". You can delete all old auto backups manually once the new files were created.
  • Fixed a bug, where the oldest file wasn't deleted if the max backup count has been reached.
Changelog 3.5.8c
  • Code optimizations.
  • Auto backup files are now named as "Autobackup.."
  • Updated error message if a backup couldn't be created.
  • Removed easter egg.
  • Fixed a bug, where the "Size" column wasn't sorted correctly if it was the chosen order.
  • Fixed a bug, where it wasn't possible to use the enter key in the "Add new game" search box.
  • Fixed a bug, where the backup list sorting by the modified date may be wrong.
  • Fixed a bug, where the game list wasn't downloaded (Please note that my server may still be blocked by your ISP cause of false positives. In that case download the game list manually in the "Game list" (Online) tab).
  • Other minor code changes.
  • Fixed a bug, when deleting a game from the local "Game List", the backup list of the current profile and the statusbar will turn blank until the profile is reselected.