#NEWS# -If you cannot update through the updater then download it at nexusmods (link in the header of the "New update found" page). 3.5.8 -Backups for "Baldurs Gate 3" are sometimes empty. 3.5.7c Beta 4 -There's still a bug where backup with subfolders doesn't work as intended (e.g. for Stalker 2). 3.5.7c Beta 2 -Auto backups with the option "Always backup entire save folder" enabled will give an error message. 3.5.7c -Auto backups with the option "Always backup entire save folder" enabled will give an error message. -Backups for "Baldurs Gate 3" are sometimes empty. 3.5.6b -After a profile is created, the "Game List" cannot be opened with the + button anymore. You have to restart EZAB to do so. 3.5.6 -The auto backup status in the status bar doesn't update if auto detect profile is enabled. 3.5.5e -The message to reselect the correct game and the yellow ! icon appears/stays in the statusbar, when a profile was deleted or a new profile was just created. You can just do as said by "Updating the profile" in the Game List or just launch the game. 3.5.3c -The Downloading ReShade message will get stuck tho it's downloaded. Please restart EZAB when you notice the ReShade_Setup..exe file in the EZAB folder is downloaded. 3.5.3b -"Enable inactive backup" will show an Nonexistent menu item error. -Restart EZAB function doesn't work as intended. -Toggling options in the menubar doesn't work for most items cause of code changes. -Launching the "Mods Manager" or closing EZAB may throw an invalid GUI position error. 3.5.2a -The option "Autostart auto backup when game is running" isn't saving when it's toggled. For now you can open the .profile and edit AutoStart=1 1=Enabled 0=Disabled. 3.5.2 -Manual & Quick backup may not backup the correct files for game with each saves files in separate folders. Only affected by games with a single save file like Dark Souls 3: -The save gets deleted after a backup is created, so if you notice there is no continue at the title screen, then exit the game and reload the backup. -Quick and Manual backup will show a save file missing error. 3.4.8a -Macros aren't working because the delay time was accidentally removed from the code. -The tooltips for Macro hotkeys doesn't show the assigned macro name. -After renaming a macro, the assigned hotkey has to be reassigned. -The "Cheat Menu" or "Save File Manager" for "Lies of P" didn't show up in the right click menu, after the profile was created. You have to manualy reselect the profile from the dropdownlist. -When using "Browse" to exclude files, there selected files aren't dont show in the exclude edit box, but are still correctly set. -After updating to a new ReShade version, it could be possible that the download wasn't fast enough, so the renaming failed. In that case you had to rename Reshade.ERAB manually to ReShadeSetup.exe. 3.4.8 -Manual backups have .zip.zip in the filename. -The "Game List" may have a scaling issue, where the UI Element positions are messed up. 3.4.7 -The option "Save files are in separate folder" may not work as intended for custom added games. -Excluding folders may not work as intended. 3.4.6 -In the "Save file Manager" for "Lies of P", if you re-browse the same steam save file e.g. SaveData-1 the save list won't refresh, EZAB has to be restarted every time for it to show up. -Using EZAB overlay may crash EZAB after playing for a while, this happens very randomly and game dependend. 3.4.5g -Renaming a backup may not rename the file correctly in some situations. 3.4.5e -When right clicking a "Quick Launch" button to set an app in the settings, the dialog to set the "Game Launcher" executable also opens. For now just close the dialog for the .exe and set your custom quick launch app as usual. -Sometimes the folder in wgs cannot be found for Game Pass profiles. 3.4.5d -If you cannot delete a profile after the 2nd confirmation, please restore to an older version "Menubar > Updater > Restore previous EZAB version" or download and older version and reupdate. Sorry for that! -It's possible to renaming a backup to an already existing name, which would overwrite the old one. -The notification volume slider is disabled. For now you can set the volume in the ERAB.ini under Volume= and restart. -When changing the game folder the for DLSS file to get auto updated, it still couldn't be found because the folder change only applied after restart. -Auto detecting the "Game launchers" like Steam, Epic.. to set the quick launch buttons, doesn't work correctly. -When entering "GamePass" as the save file name, the message to enter ".none" as the file extensions shows up. 3.4.5c -Saving an edited "Game List" profile doesn't work. 3.4.5b For the Lies of P profile: -Converting a Steam to Game Pass save file for "Lies of P" may not work correctly. -If canceling the Ergo input repeatedly with diffrent save files, the Game Pass save files may get wrongly overwritten. 3.4.5a For the Lies of P Game Pass profile: -Sometimes the wgs is still the backup folder instead of the hex number folder so for now, if you start fresh after a backup you have to open the save folder and move the ..SystemAppData\wgs\wgs to ..SystemAppData\wgs. -The "Only backup files that contains the save file name" is always active, which could lead to not always backing up every files. 3.4.5 For the Lies of P Game Pass profile: -Sorry i thought 000901F2E7CD244F_0000000000000000000000007B71E406 is a fix folder for anyone so for now i guess the Game Pass version won't work until the next fix :( -I'm also currently working on a Steam <> Game Pass converter so stay tuned! 3.4.4f For the Lies of P profile: -"Manual backup" creates backups with a wrong folder structure for "Lies of P GamePass" file saves in general (for now use the auto backups or "Quick backup"). -If you get a message to set the save folder to wgs tho it is, unpack your backups manually. 3.4.4d For the Lies of P profile: -"Skip Intro" doesn't work for the Game Pass version. -Backup functions doesn't work for Lies of P Game Pass version. 3.4.4c -The "Game List" list won't refresh, if no profile exists. A restart of EZAB is required everytime. 3.4.3c -"Launch Game" won't launch the game after EZAB is started, you always have to re-set the game.exe, by right click the "Launch Game" button. -Screen mode detection isn't working as intended if using the overlay is enabled, the screen may flicker if the game is in fullscreen mode. The game has to be in windowed mode to use the overlay. 3.4.3b -The and are pointing to the launcher.exe instead of launcher folder. -The Changelog tab doesn't show the current version and beta versions are also included. -Modified save file detection only works, when auto backup is on. 3.4.3a -An "AttachToWindow" error could show up, if the ERAB status overlay is enabled, and the game is not running. -Hotkeys cannot be set, because the edit box positions are off. 3.4.2a -The "New Reshade version" notification, will always show up on startup, because the version number isn't written to the ERAB.ini. 3.4.2 -The "Wo Long" Save file converter work around for 1.09 isn't working in 1.10 anymore! -Backup feature doesn't work with "Returnal" and may not work for other games aswell. You have to go back to the old version "Menubar > Updater > Restore previous EZAB version" 3.4.1b Beta 3 -"Restore last manual backup" through controller hotkey isn't working. -Renaming backups files with a "." (dot) in the name isn't possible. -When a file isn't found in the "Mods Manager", the text shown in the status and log wasn't correct. 3.4.1b Beta 2 -Editing the game path in the "Game Folders" settings, doesn't save the new path. 3.4.1b Beta 1 -Deleting any game from the local list, will also reset the game type of the current profile, tho it's a diffrent game. You have to reselect the correct game and update the profile. -It's possible to double click the game list to create a new profile, even tho no list item is selected. 3.4.1b -The "Game Notes" text color doesn't adapt to dark mode. -When restoring a backup through the "Quick selection", the TTS voice is also played if "Restore Backup" sound is enabled. -Deleting any game from the local list, will also reset the game type of the current profile, tho it's a diffrent game. You have to reselect the correct game and update the profile. -It's possible to double click the game list to create a new profile, even tho no list item is selected. -Editing the game path in the "Game Folders" settings, doesn't save the new path. -"Restore last manual backup" through controller hotkey isn't working. 3.4.1 -Switching profiles doesn't update the "Launch Game" button to the current profiles game. Workaround: Right click the button and cancel the browse dialog. 3.4.0a -If a local game list is edited and a info message popups up because for example no save file extension was typed in, then all the game list entries above the edited game will be duplicated. -Opening the "Macro Manager" will show an error message (Restore to older EZAB version for now). -The right click "Character Info" game option for "Elden Ring", doesn't read the backup file. 3.4.0 -The local game list search doesn't work. 3.3.3e -When creating a new profile, the timer interval in the settings, may be set to 0 without the "Instant backups" option. You should enable "Instant backups" if the timer is at 0, or if you don't use "Instant backups", please set the timer to at least 1 min. -When creating a macro, it will be a loop by default, you have to toggle "Cancel macro.." and "Loop macro" on and off, first for it to write it to the ini first. -Disable "Cancel macro..", will not disable "Loop macro" in the ini, if it's enabled. You have to also disable "Loop macro". -The ReShade download path is not correct, so a new version can't be downloaded. 3.3.3d -When creating a new profile, the timer interval in the settings, may be set to 0 without the "Instant backups" option. You should enable "Instant backups" if the timer is at 0, or if you don't use "Instant backups", please set the timer to at least 1 min. -When creating a macro, it will be a loop by default, you have to toggle "Cancel macro.." and "Loop macro" on and off, first for it to write it to the ini first. -Disable "Cancel macro..", will not disable "Loop macro" in the ini, if it's enabled. You have to also disable "Loop macro". -Empty backups are created for "Elden Ring" (for now downgrade EZAB). 3.3.3c -"Manual backup" and "Quick backup" for games with more than 1 save files in the save folder (like Resident Evil 4 Remake), will show up "Save file not found" error. 3.3.3b -"Save File Converter" for "Wo Long" may not show the GamePass save files. 3.3.3a -"Quick backup" is not creating a backup in "Wo Long", when launching EZAB for the first time, and the save file hasn't been modified yet by the game. -Restoring a backup through "Quick Selection" will play both the restore sound (if enabled) and TTS. -After a backup, the correct file isn't always beeing selected in the listview. -Auto backup with "Instant" option disabled, will create empty backup archives, or sometimes the SYSTEMSAVEDATA folder instead if SAVEDATA in "Wo Long". 3.3.3 -"Launch Game" doesn't start the game. -"Auto save file convert" for "Wo Long", will still do the convertion, when no save is in the folder (it creates a save file with just the ID). 3.3.2a -Right clicking the hotkey edit box, beginning from "Restore last manual backup" to every hotkey box after, will promp the custom key input box of the previous function, e.g. Macro two will promp the custom key input for Macro one and so on. 3.3.2 -When adding a new "Quick launch app", there's no input name promp, after selecting a file. You have to rename it manually afterwards. 3.3.1b -When switching from a profile, with where the custom CPU affinity is set to enabled to another profile, the CPU affinity settings stays enabled. -The tooltip for "Reinitialize Controller hotkeys" in the "Hotkey Settings" flickers and overlap with hotkey overview tooltip, and also a few other drop down tooltips have the same issue. -When changing the "Sort list by" date format, the statusbar doesn't refresh to the new format. 3.3.1 -The hotkey for repositionening the "Status Overlay" (CTRL+ALT+Q) is the same for the @ sign on german keyboard layout. This will be changed in the next update. -Unsetting a controller binding doesn't work. -When hotkeys were disabled in the settings, after relaunching ezab they are reenabled. (For now it's better to leave this enabled) 3.3.0d -After loading a backup and changing the profile, the save file in the statusbar sometimes doesn't refreshed to the save file from the new profile. -Restore "Quickbackup" shows no file found error for "Wo Long" or games where save files are each in a separate folder. -Selecting "Elden Ring" in the game list will check the box for "Save files are...". -Macro Manager does not create a macro, because the "Macros" folder is not created by EZAB. For now you can manually create it (EZAB\Macros) to create macros. 3.3.0b -Restoring a backup using hotkeys is not working for games, where save files are stored in seperate folders e.g. Wo Long. -Manual backup through hotkeys is not working for games, where save files are stored in seperate folders e.g. Wo Long. -When using "Quick restore" in "Elden Ring" the "Quickbackup" is moved to the save folder but didn't get renamed to "ER...". 3.3.0a -The function "Prevent backups creating in a wrong profile" doesn't work as intended, when the profile is renamed, or "No" was choosen from the promp. 3.3.0 -When renaming a profile, with "Use default backup folder" enabled, the folder will not be renamed aswell. 3.2.9b -When using "Menubar > Backup save folder", the backup file doesn't have the correct date/format, and no icon. -Sometimes the left side of the statusbar isn't completey drawn on the UI, after creating a new profile -When deleting a profile and no other profiles exists, the tooltip for the hotkeys and the set count aren't reseted. -"Auto quicksave" in "Cyberpunk 2077" broken since 3.2.9. 3.2.9a -In the hotkeys tooltip, if a macro function is assigned to a macro, the tooltip shows "mtt.." instead of the assigned macro name. -Other minor text and ui element errors in the "Hotkey Settings". -Macro 5-10 functions are not implemented for controller bindings. 3.2.9 -After deleting a macro sequence in the list, sometimes the check status for "Use other input" isn't recognized correctly. -When you get a hotkey error message, delete the .profile in the EZAB main folder manually, so you backups won't be deleted and create a new profile with the exact same name for now. 3.2.8 -When toggle "Auto set affinity on game launch", the icon isn't showing up. -CPU affinity is only setting the first process, when a game has multiple PID's with the same name. 3.2.7c -When you update a profile type right after editing the game profile (Save), the profile type won't be updated correctly, unless you clicked in the game list at the game first, or reopen the "Game List" window before clicking on "Update Profile". 3.2.7a -Auto backup timer is not reactivated after DLSS version check. ("Menubar > Updater > Restore previous EZAB version" or wait for update) 3.2.6b -When you select the same profile from the drop down list after EZAB is launched, and start the game for auto backup, the statusbar will show "Profile has changed" and auto backup will stop. For now restart EZAB without selecting the same profile. -The "EZAB Status overlay" stays active when it was enabled and you disable it, while the game is running. For now click on "Show" or use "Ctl+Alt+S" to activate repositioning, and close it again, or restart EZAB. -When switching from another profile to "Elden Ring", the "Caracter Info" menu under "Menubar > File" stays disabled. 3.2.5b -Disabling the sounds for "restore last" or "2nd last backup" doesn't do anything. -The "Quick backup" function is missing in the Hotkeys overview tooltip. -It's possible to add the same game to the profile, if the game name is diffrent than from the existing entry in the game list. -When coming from a fresh install, no backups are created for "Project Zomboid", unless creating a profile for a diffrent game first or additionally?. -Deleting a profile while the game is running, results in a Start/Stop Auto backup loop. -The wrong profile type icon shows up, if no backup files exist. 3.2.5a -Game list update seems not to always function as intended, i have to do more propper testings for the next update. If your're missing a game you can delete the GAME.ERAB then the complete list will be redownloaded. 3.2.4a -After a game list update, sometimes there are double entries like Hitman III=Hitman III and so on. You can either delete these in the game list, or delete the GAME.ERAB file, and EZAB will redownload it after launch. -The "delete excluded files" confirmation promp always appears, when you cancel the file browser, tho no excluded files were set. -"Enable auto quicksave" in "Menubar > File" isn't enabled, after switching to a Cyberpunk 2077 profile. 3.2.3a -You cannot create diffrent game profiles, when "Elden Ring" is the active profile. The selection will stay as "Elden Ring". Work arround: Create an empty .profile and type something in the first four lines of the text file, e.g. none none none none -Double click to create a new profile doesn't work. 3.2.3 -When creating new profiles, the default save folder won't be used, if no steam id is set. 3.2.2 -Elding Ring auto backup not working? Go back to an older version for now. -After first start of EZAB, the Changelogs window doesn't initialy show the change logs of the current version. -A "SavePath" folder is wrongly created, if you set a default backup folder. Don't use this option in the "Game Folders" settings, until it's fixed. -3.2.2 won't update to 3.2.2a, go to the ERAB main folder ther's a file called ERAB.update. Delete ERAB.exe and rename ERAB.update to ERAB.exe to use the updated version. 3.2.1 -Game profiles with the same game.exe name, like Dark Souls II and Dark Souls II SotFS, can't be updated correctly to the game list. -When editing a game in the "Game list" and the info message of missing save file extension popped up, every game list entry is doublicated. 3.2.0a -Auto backup for games with multiple save files doesn't work since 3.1.9a. -Sometimes the controller hotkeys stop working, after exiting a game. -If no profile exists, the "turn off auto backup" function will trigger every sec, when hovering the mouse to the minimize or close button, on the top right corner of EZAB, while the tooltip is showing up, and toggle auto backup is possible through the hotkey. -After restoring a backup, the file and timestamp on the statusbar, may not be updated correctly. -The "Quick selection" backup list, doesn't always match the order of the list view. -When using the "Quick selection up/down" functions too fast with keyboard hotkeys, sometimes an error message appears. 3.1.9b -After updating the game list a error message may show up, and auto profile backup dialog on exit will be messed up. 3.1.9a -After creating a profile backup (cloud icon), the EZAB window stays disabled and is not clickable. To exit either force close in task manager or right click on the EZAB taskbar icon > Exit. -The message "The current profile does not match with the existing backup file" will show up, if the backup list of the current profile is empty, which you can ignore. -It will take a few sec to refresh the list view, after deleting a profile. 3.1.8c -The "Quick backup" and "Manual backup" functions, have not yet been adapted for "Project Zomboid". 3.1.8a -Project Zomboid backups won't be recognized, have to figure out how to proper backup the saves. 3.1.8 -Update check timer is always 30 min regardless of another choosen intervall. -Creating new profiles may be recognized as Elden Ring. If you get an error, go to Menubar > Help and restore old version for now. -LastSave.jpg is recognized as a backup file. 3.1.7d -When more than 1 "Quick launch app" exists, the QL buttons won't be enabled correctly, and the edit boxes in the create a new profile menu would have the value of the QL apps, and will have a wrong size. -Update check timer is always 30 min regardless of another choosen intervall. 3.1.7c -The "Quick Launch Apps" won't load, if you only have 1 game profile. Workaround: reselect your game profile from the list. 3.1.7b -Only Elden Ring profiles can be created, when EZAB is freshly installed. -Hotkey for "Quick selection delete backup" wasn't initialized after updating from an older ERAB version, so an hotkey ERROR would appear if the hotkey wasn't set. -Hotkey settings can still be opened if no profile exists. -Profile delete didn't completely removed the profile, if the deleted profile was the only one. 3.1.7a -"Set" buttons tooltips, for the "Reset auto backup timer" functions, in the Hotkey settings are missing. 3.1.7 -Tooltip for "Quick selection delete" is missing. -With the Cyberpunk 2077 profile, saving a controller hotkey reenables every "Set" button. -Sometimes controller bindings doesn't work until you restart EZAB. 3.1.6b -The keyboard hotkey input in the settings, shows the hotkey from the previous profile, when the profile is switched where that hotkey isn't set. (Just a visual bug) -When pressing F2 after launching EZAB, the rename dialog with the listview header preinserted would show up, instead of the backup file in the listview. 3.1.6a -Backup functionality for Cyberpunk 2077 still doesn't work properly as intended (will be finally fixed in the next update). 3.1.6 -If a keyboard hotkey is unassigned, the tooltip doesn't show "not set". -The first start tooltip doesn't show up when the "Quick setup" dialog was canceled. -It's possible to use "Compress all uncompressed files" without a profile, which results in an error. 3.1.5b -After creating a profile, the "Quick Launch" buttons aren't disabled, if any QL buttons were set from the previous profile. -If no profile exists, the tooltips won't show up. You may have to restart EZAB after creating a profile for the tooltips to reappear. -The game list item isn't selecting the correct game, after editing an existing game profile. You have to reselect the game from the list to create the correct profile, tho the correct game is highlighted. -After deleting a game from the game profile list, the game selection will get stuck at one selection. You have to reopen the profile creation. -Fast scrolling with the mouse wheel through the profile list, may cause the listview to freeze and prevent other profiles from loading until EZAB is restarted. -When using "Compress all uncompressed files" the progress bar will always show up regardless if there aren't any uncompressed files. -Cyberpunk 2077 profile creates emtpy archive backups. 3.1.5 -"Instant backup" isn't currently working. 3.1.4 -If a custom interval value for auto backup is set, the timer will always reset to the default value after it runs out. -When switching the profile while in EZAB Settings, the status overlay option isn't toggled correctly according to each profile settings. -The "Known bugs" check isn't running at startup. -When switching to another profile after deleting a keyboard hotkey, a hotkey error will show up. 3.1.3 -When a default profile is set, it's not loaded correctly on start, and loading other profiles doesn't work until restart and the set default option is turned off. 3.1.2 -Right click "Character Info" for Elden Ring shows "save file not found!". 3.1.1b -After creating a new profile all Quick Launch buttons are not forced disabled. -Renaming a Quick Launch app won't refresh the name until restarting EZAB. 3.1.1a -The auto backup timer in the settings weren't correctly loaded according to each profile settings. -The max save count isn't saved to the profile. 3.1.1 -If the save folder is changed or after creating a new profile when other profile exists, the save file check doesn't apply to the new save folder, so auto backups won't work. You have to restart EZAB for now. 3.1.0 -The volume control doesn't have any effect on a few notification sounds. 3.0.8 -It's possible to update a profile in the game list dialog, even tho no profile exists. 3.0.7b -It's possible to create a profile without, choosing the game folders. -Renaming a profile doesn't work. -Updating a profile doesn't work because the position handling hasn't been updated. -After creating or deleting a profile the hotkeys of the previous hotkeys aren't turned off. -After a profile is deleted or creating the first profile, a hotkey ERROR message may show up. 3.0.7a -If diffrent hotkeys were set for each profile, those were still active after switching profiles. -Screenshots from games with multiple save files like Mafia or Control, won't be renamed after renaming the backup. -In Nier Automata profiles the last modified file sometimes shows as N/A. -In Nier Automata profiles backups aren't working as intended (only SlotData should be backed up instead of every file). 3.0.7 -The file count in the listview doesn't refreshed, after deleting a backup. -If you want to add or edit a game to the Gamelist, the "." in the file extension may be automatically removed, due to the wrong list postion because it's sorted, so you have to manually edit the GAME.ERAB to add a "dot". -Restoring a file doesn't rename the unpacked file in the save folder depending on the game, for now you have to manually rename it. 3.0.6a -When changing keyboard hotkeys, the previous hotkey were still active until restarting EZAB. -Toggling "Instant backup" in settings or switching profiles while "Auto Backup" is running, would cause the timer to stop. -The statusbar info will stop refreshing in some circumstances. -If backups from other games are also in the backups folder, it will show up in the listview of the current profile tho it's not from the same game. -After changing the backups folder, no backup files were recognized, because a "\" is missing at the end of the new path. 3.0.6 -When using game profile with multiple save files, only 1 file will be backed up. -When changing keyboard hotkey for Start/Stop Auto Backup, the old hotkey is still active until restarting EZAB. 3.0.5c -Restoring an uncompressed backup from the listview doesn't work. -Manuall backup is creating an empty archive. -Quickbackup isn't working. -When the backup intervall reached 0 the config from the ERAB.ini was reloaded instead of from the profile. -When changing keyboard hotkey for Start/Stop Auto Backup, the old hotkey is still active until restarting EZAB.