EZ Auto Backup was written by ai877 with AutoHotKey and is available on NexusMods.

Special Thanks to:
  • tic (Tariq Porter) for his GDI+ Library
  • Lexikos for his XInput.ahk
  • just me for his rewritten WatchFolder.ahk (aka WatchDirectory by SKAN & Lexikos).
  • iPhilip for his FFToolTip() function, to fix the flickering tooltips.
  • src1425 (10$), cfreeman (2,50$), newuxtreme (20,87€), kolkolsalim (5,49€), Alex Grosz (3$), Duncan (5,49€), Thorleifur (5,49€), Thomas Maenner (20$), Mohammed Salim (10,61€) for the donation!
  • Patreons: Frankie Leon, Christoph Reichel, Justas Dobrovolskas, Zabunai, Youv, Zsadist

    Feel free to join the Discord server, if you want to make suggestions, report bugs or need any help.
    If you like this tool and want to support me, you can donate via Paypal or be my Patreon under 'Menubar > Donate'!