EZ Auto Backup (Elden Ring Auto Backup) 3.4.4b Instrutions (Outdated) 1 - Getting started 2 - Game List (Create a new Profile) 3 - Auto Backup 4 - Profile Backup 5 - Manual Backups 6 - Restoring a backup 7 - Notification Sounds 8 - List View / GUI 9 - Macro Manager 10 - CPU Affinity 11 - NVIDIA DLSS 12 - ReShade 13 - Game specific functions 14 - Notes 15 - Known Issues ================================================================================================ 1 - Getting started 1. Unpack to a folder. 2. Launch ERAB.exe 3. Start the quick setup process (create a new profile). 4a. Select your game which you want to use the auto or manual backup functions. 4b. Choose your backup and save file folder. 5. Go to settings if you want to change the auto backup method or change some other settings. 6. Start the game in order to use all EZAB functions, at default "Auto backup" will start automatically when the game is running. 2 - Game List (Create a new Profile) -Click on "+" to open the "Game List" -Choose a game in the list, from which you want to backup the save files. You can also type in the name in the edit box above the game list for a quick search. -If a game is officially added, it will be in the "Online" tab. You can then add it to the local list. -The local list is your personal game list you can delete games if you want to keep the list clean. You can always re-add a game from the "Online" list. -"Save files are in separate folder." Use this option if each save is in a separate folder, like in Cyberpunk 2077 or Baldurs Gate 3. -"Use a default back folder". Set a default folder for every profile so you don't have to re browse for a backup folder after creating a profile. E.g. d:\Backups so after creating a profile a folder will be created in that default folder, to store all of the profiles backup. 2.1 - Create Profile -Click on "Create Profile" to choose the backup and save file folder in the next step. -Choose a backup folder, where you backups are saved. a) If a default backup folder in the "Game Folders" setting is set up, the backup folder will be set automatically. -Choose the save folder, where the game save file is located, if you don't know the folder location, you can click on "?" to do a google search. a) A few games have a default save folder set, so that folder will be automatically choosen, but it's better to double check if the folder ist correct, by clicking the "Browse" folder. If the default folder was correct, then it will be the browse location. -Click Next to enter a name for your profile. 2.2 - Update Profile -If your current game profile doesn't match the game e.g. the profile is for Cyberpunk 2077, but the game type is for Dark Souls, then you can choose Cyberpunk 2077 in the list and click on "Update Profile" to set the game type to Cyberpunk 2077. -In EZAB 3.2.2 the game type should be corrected automatically. 2.3 - Edit/Exclude -If you want to edit a game from the list, click on "Edit" and edit one of the required fields (Game name, Save file name and Game.exe name). The Save file path is optional. -Click on "Save" if you're done (Elden Ring profiles can't be edited). -Click on "<<" to minimize the game list. -If a game has multiple files in the save folder, EZAB will check for each files modified date to start the auto backup. To exclude the unnecessary files, click on "Exclude" and select every file, which won't be check to for the auto backup. 2.4 - Add (+) / Delete (-) -To add your own game to the list, click on "+" on the top, and every edit boxes will be cleared. -Fill in all the required fields (Game name, Save file name, Game.exe name), the Save file path is optional. -Click on "Add" to add it to the list. -To delete a game from the list, select the game and click on "-" (Elden Ring profiles can't be deleted). 3 - Auto Backup -EZAB will only run when the game is the active window, otherwise EZAB will pause. a) Instant backups, EZAB will create backups instantly every time the game auto saves. b) if "Instant backups" is disabled, auto backups will be created every x min, which you can set in the settings. -Backups will be created until the Max backups number is reached, then it will start deleting the oldest auto backup file before creating a new one. -Auto backup filenames are in the foloowing format "_.". The date format can be changed in the "EZAB Settings". For example if 20 is set as Max, and it's changed afterwards to 10, then the oldest 11 files will be deleted to create a new one to reach the Max number of 10. -Each backup file, comes with a screenshot, taken from the last auto save in game, which you can disabled in the "EZAB Settings". A custom Text to Speech notification text can be also set. -After clicking Start just run the game, and you will hear diffrent sound notifiers, for either game auto save or auto backup. -If you enable Menubar > Profile > Only backup files that contains the save file name, then EZAB will only backup files which has the save file name in it. E.g. a game creates checkpoint.sav, autosave.sav and there's also a manual.sav file, usually EZAB will backup every file, but if the save file name in the "Game List" is named autosave.sav, then EZAB will only backup the autosave files. 4 - Profile Backup -If you want to additionally backup the while profile with it's backups, you can do so by clicking the cloud icon, then the current profile will be backed up according to the Settings in "Settings > General Settings > Profile Backup". -If you want to auto backup profiles, you can turn on the option for each profile with the "Auto backup profile" icon which is red if it's off, otherwise green. After that you have to enable the global "Auto backup profiles on exit" option in the "Menubar > Profile". -To Load a profile backup, you have to choose a the profile which you want to restore, and click on the folder icon, then you can choose your backup which has the same name as the current profile. After opening, all backup files will be unpack back to the backups folder. 5 - Manual Backups -You can set a hotkey to manually backup the current save, those files are saved as "_.". -You can use the Quick backup function, which will always replace the "Quickbackup" file for a quick backup, that can then quickly be restored with another hotkey. -If you want to manual backup all files in the save folder, you can do so under "Menubar > File > Backup save folder". 6 - Restoring a backup -Before restoring, depending on the game, you have to either exit or return to the title screen first! -You can restore your backup through the following methods: a) EZAB Listview Right click in the List View on the backup file you want to restore choose "Selected File > Load". You will hear the restore notification sound. b) Hotkeys You can use hotkeys for quick restore, restore the last or 2nd last auto backup. Go to Settings > Hotkeys or klick on "Hotkeys set" above the screenshot to customize the hotkeys. c) Quick Selection QS is enabled by default to select through your backups without tabbing out the game. TTS is used when the game is in fullscreen mode and Overlay if it's in windowed mode. The QS Mode is set automatically depending on your game screen settings (Fullscreen or Windowed) TTS: Select and load your backup files through a text to voice notification. Overlay: You will see the screenshot of your selected backups files in an overlay. 7 - Notification Sounds -At default all sounds are enabled, which can be disabled in "Notification Sounds" in "General Settings" (Alt+S or File > Settings > Open). -If you have "Instant backup" enabled, it's recommended to turn off "Auto save". 8 - List View / GUI -Right click on a file in the List View to bring up a contex menu, which has the options to rename, load or delete your backup. -The "Game Menu" is a dynamic menu depending on the game profile. Currently only Elden Ring supports it, which will open up the Character Info menu to see every character with stats in a save file. -When you select a file in the list the List View, the related screenshot will show up on the right. Click on it to open. 9 - Macro Manager -Watch https://youtu.be/VT2JjMO7c3g to see how to set macros. -If a keyboard input isn't working a game, enable "Alternative Send" in the "Macro Manager" and re-add the keyboard inputs, to use a diffrent method for the sequences. 10 - CPU Affinity -You can set the CPU affinity for each profile, which will be activated each time the game is launched. An icon then will show up. -This may be usefull to increase the game performance, if a game doesn't support multi cpu cores to force it using a fixed lower amount of cores. -If you want to set the "CPU affinity" for a custom .exe, you can enable "Use custom .exe" and enter the custom.exe file in the edit box. -The "Elden Ring stutter fix" will disable 60% of the cores 60 sec after the game has launched, and wait 2 sec to reenable all of them, which may fix the stutter problems (More than cores are needed). Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58ETygl39eY 11 - NVIDIA DLSS Version on EZAB server: -Will show the current version on the EZAB server. Update NVIDIA DLSS: -Most of the games comes with an outdated dlss version, i'll try to stat updated but hosting the newst files on the EZAB server, where EZAB will be able to automatically download and replace the dlss file for you. -If EZAB could find an existing dlss file it will back it up and move the new one automatically. -When EZAB coulnd't find a file it's either the game is not using dlss or the game path isn't set to the main game folder (sometimes the .exe stores in some sub folders). To edit it manually open the .profile and edit the GamePath section to the main game folder, or where the dlss file is located. -The game has to run once for it to save the game path. Visit Techpowerup for all DLSS versions: -Will open the Techpowerup page, where you can download older DLSS versions. 12 - ReShade -The ReShade version will be checked on EZAB startup Download ReShade : -Download the current ReShade version to the EZAB folder. Run ReShade : -Run the downloaded ReShade Setup file. The game path from the current profile will also be copied to the clipboard, in case you want to browse for the game, to quick paste the folder path. Visit ReShade.me: -Will open the ReShade.me website. 13 - Game specific functions Baldurs Gate 3 -To use intervall auto save you can enable "Enable auto quick save", then the game will auto quick save after each time the intervall time expired, and also creates a backup. This works exactly like in Cyberpunk 2077 (see below). Cyberpunk 2077 -Only quick/manual backup and toggle auto backup are available as hotkeys, since the other functions aren't necessary. The game will quick save before each backup. -Cyberpunk 2077 will always do up to 20 auto saves and 10 quick saves, The older saves will be then overwritten. -It's recommended to use the game option "Enable auto quick save" which is enabled by default to quick save the game before every auto backup. This option can be toggle in the right click menu or under "Menubar > File". -The keyboard hotkey for quick save in game and quick backup in EZAB must be set as the same! (default is F5). -EZAB will always quick save before any backup, but if quick save is restricted in game, a backup from the last save is made. Elden Ring -You can right click in the list view and click on "Character Info" or "Menubar > File > "Character Info" to see your characters stats from the current save file in the roaming folder. Hogwarts Legacy -You have to exit the game first before you restore a backup, otherwise the game will still use the current running game save. -You can right click in the list view and click on "Engine Editor" or "Menubar > File > "Engine Editor" to open the Engine.ini Editor where you can add optimized Unreal Engine parameters to the ini, which may improve the game performance. -"Optimize" will add these parameters. -"Default" will restore the Engine.ini to default state. -"Save" will save the changes you made. -"Open folder" to open the folder where the Engine.ini is located. -"Commands" to open a list of Unreal Engine commands when you know what you're doing. -Steam cloud backup may have to be disabled. The Witcher 3 -Only "Autosave" files will be affected from the max auto backup count. -The game will create CheckPoint and Autosave files seperatly, so does the auto backup. Wo Long -You can use the Game Pass <> Steam converter to convert save files to each plattform or convert the save files ID. This only works with the version below 1.10! 14 - Notes -Before restoring a backup, depending on the game you have to either return to the title screen or exit the game first! -For some games Steam cloud saves needs to be disabled. -Auto backups will be created after the max amount is reached, then the oldest will be replaced. If you want to create permanent backups then either rename the auto backup file in the list, or use the "Manual backup" function (F3 by default). They are named after the current used profile. -Quick backup will always overwrite the "Quickbackup" file in the backup folder, to create seperate backups use a custom hotkey for manual backup instead. -For optimal use place EZAB on a second monitor to have an overview of the auto backups. -You can use your own notification sound by replacing the existing ones in the EZAB folder. -Screenshots may be inaccurate, but it should help to manage your the backup files. 15 - Known Issues -If the GUI elements looks out of place, then follow the guide at https://www.windowscentral.com/how-improve-app-dpi-scaling-enabling-system-enhanced-feature-windows-10 and set a fix dpi scaling for EZAB. If you need more help feel free to join my discord: https://discord.gg/kHUfbjCSrz